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3 Halloween Crafts - 2022

Updated: Jul 26, 2023

By Mei Yee

For this years three Halloween craft ideas we have; sand art, popsicle stick characters, and painting wooden characters.

1. Sand Art

With this you can either pick up a kit with everything in it or all the items can be found separatly. Which, all you really need is, colorful sand and bottles to put them in. We got a kit, but if you buy the sand separately then all you have to do is get Halloween themed colors.

For those familiar with sand art then you know there is no specific way to make them. So get a funnel and let the kids fill up their bottles!

2. Popsicle Stick Characters

(Yes that is sand on the table from the sand art, easy clean up for sand like that is tape)

Okay so, for these characters you will need;

  1. colored popsicle sticks (You will need 6 sticks per character)

  2. googly eyes

  3. self adhesive foam sheets (any colors you want)

  4. scissors (to cut the foam sheets)

  5. a marker (if needed for added features)

  6. Glue (if you only get the regular foam sheets)

Cut a small square in the foam(length the same as all the sticks laying side by side).

Then peel the back off of the foam and lay the sticks down (side by side) to have them stick to the foam. (Or glue them if you are using glue). This is to hold the sticks together to be able to decorate your character.

Now for the next part ... create your character. Sounds vague, but this is the creative part! Cut hats for witches or a stem for a pumpkin. It all depends on which character you are making, but there is no right way to do the next part.

3. Painting wooden characters

From what I have seen, craft stores have ones like the ones in the picture as well as flat characters. I bought these ones for us to put out as decorations since they stand up on their own.

We also got those little paint strip pots, as there was not enough money in our craft fund to buy all new paints as we needed almost all the colors. But anyways, once you got these wodden creatures and paint you are all set!


Bonus pic of Natalyas seasonal shelf (we all have one to decorate how we want during the different seasons and holidays), we use the temporary decals for the walls, they come off easily with no peeling of the paint!

Check out last years 3 Halloween Crafts here!



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