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Cat Craft

Welcome to our whimsical world of crafts and creativity! Today, we're thrilled to introduce you to a simple yet enchanting DIY project: a Cat Craft. If you love cats and crafts then this cute and easy craft is for you!

Join us as we dive into the step-by-step guide to creating these adorable cats that will undoubtedly brighten up your day!

Step 1: Decorate one cup for the body with markers.

Step 2: Make a face on your box with the sharpie marker.

Step 3: Glue the box to the cup.

Step 4: Cut the tubes in half and then glue them on the body (cup) as the arms and legs.

Step 5: Glue the ribbon on the box to form ears.

Step 6: Cut the pipe cleaners for whiskers and glue them on. Then use a whole pipe cleaner for the tail.

And that’s it! Your very own cute cat!




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