By Mei Yee

Finding fun things for your children to do over summer that aren't expensive can be a challenge.
I know we all want our kids to spend less time on electronics, this includes myself. Not going to lie, sometimes I just give in and let them have it. But when you do take it from them what do you do when they come to you with a whining tone and say, "I'm bored"? First, I always suggest them cleaning something. I know they won't do it but it's worth a shot, haha.
Over the past year we have been doing more crafts and experiments as home. And if you know me then you know I am cheap... I mean I budget really well. (cough cough, I am cheap). So, when looking for items needed I always look for the deals!
Here is a list of inexpensive experiments and crafts to try this summer!
My kids had fun doing all of these! They weren't expensive and created fun memories for all of us!