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Children's Book Author Spotlight - Sanaa Chege

Books develop and nourish kids’ imaginations, expanding their worlds. Picture books introduce young children to the world of art and literature. Novels and nonfiction books stimulate kids’ sensory awareness, helping kids to see, hear, taste, feel, and smell on an imagined level. Books inform our imaginations, inspiring creativity.

This Children's Book Author Spotlight Series will showcase independent children's book authors and their works. We strive to bring you the best there is to offer and an insight into the world of children's books!


This week we are featuring author Sanaa Chege.

Tell us a little about yourself and how you came to write your first book.

My name is Sanaa. I’m 16 and I’m a junior in high school. When I first started diving, I dove at a summer pool. On my first day nobody really spoke to me. I didn’t know why, I wondered if it was because I was new or if it was because I look different than them. after I did a couple dives, they started to cheer for me. They still didn’t really talk to me though. I struggled with it a lot, couldn't find any books to help me push through so I decided to write my own. I hope it will inspire others that look like me to try diving so I don’t have to be the only one.

What inspired the idea for your book?

My time diving at a summer pool inspired the idea for my book. Not only did that make me write the story, but my mom also encouraged me too.

What part of the book was the most fun to write?

My favorite part of the book to write was the ending because it was the hardest part of a story.

How long did it take you to write this book?

It took me about five months to write the book.

Has writing and publishing a book changed the way you see yourself?

No, not at all. I went through this experience and all I did was write it down to share it with others. It might’ve changed others perception of me, but it didn’t have an impact on how I see myself.

Who has been the biggest supporter of your writing?

The biggest supporter of my writing of the book is my parents. Not only did they help me along my journey. But they also encouraged me.

What books did you grow up reading?

I’m still growing up and surprisingly I’m not a very big reader. So if you were to ask me what my favorite book was, I would say Charlotte’s Web because I’ve read it about three times.

Would you share something about yourself that your readers don’t know (yet)?

Something about me that my readers don’t know is I don’t wear swim cap anymore. Partially because it always comes off, and because I don’t always wanna be the odd one out. I released an Activity Book last month that has paper dolls, seek and find pages, puzzles and more. I also am set to release a journal this year and other cool things, so sign up on my website so you can stay in the know about what's next!

Where can our readers find you? (Website, Social Media, etc)

If you would like to follow my journey, you can follow me on Instagram @schegediving26 or subscribe to my YouTube: Schegediving26 or check out my website and watch videos about my journey.


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