By Mei Yee

Why are egg hunts so much fun? Is it the thrill of looking for the eggs? Or is it finding them knowing there is a treat inside?
At our house it depends on the weather will decide for us if the hunt is inside or outside.
Outside gives you more room to hide them but hiding them inside has you getting creative.
And this year with the rain we had it inside! They each got so many eggs and got certain colors to find.

It took me longer to hide the eggs than it took them to find them. I did give them hints if needed. But overall, they had fun!
Example of hints (more like riddles): One egg was on top of the doorbell box inside, so I said, "what is related to the front door but not at the front door?" Because for some reason it is actually like 20 feet away from the front door. She had to think about it, but she found it!
Check out some ideas for Easter crafts here: 3 Easter Crafts