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Spring Chicks

Spring is here! So let's make some spring chickens to welcome in the spring!

You need only 5 items for this craft.

  1. Popsicle sticks

  2. Glue

  3. Yellow Paint

  4. Yellow and orange construction paper (black for the eyes if you don't use option 6)

  5. Scissors

  6. Optional item: googly eyes

First for each chick, take three popsicle sticks and paint them yellow.

While those are drying, take the yellow construction paper trace your hands and then cut them out. Overlap them at the bottom of the palms and glue them together.

Then glue the popsicle sticks into a triangle.

While those dry, use the yellow construction paper to cut out a circle for the head. And use the orange construction paper to cut out the beak and feet. Glue the beak onto the head.

For the eyes you can cut out eyes using black construction paper, or use goggly eyes and glue them to the head. (We used googly eyes as we had extra but it is not needed to purchase for this craft.)

Then glue the hand cutouts to the back of the triangle, so it looks like the baby chicks feathers. And glue the head and feet to the front of the triangle to complete your baby chick!



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